My imagination is MY TREASURE. Say what you want to say BUT do not say what you do not want you to katakan.Jadilah strong and Have a warrior soul. Because associated bag women are weak will trouble himself also orang2 associated bag beloved. And be like Mango Tree, which when thrown stones then rewarded with fruit. time is the cure for all diseases. KEEP SMILE AND ISTIQOMAH ^ _ ^ ciayo..fighting..semangat .. Development Blog Documentation Plugins Home Posts RSS Comments RSS Edit
hehhehe lok remember he certainly associated bag does not remember well is above wkwkwkkwk name "Playboy stamp Cockroach" why can KoG bgtu ,, it because he always nebar charm to teman2 girl hahaha ntah it because he has a special attraction or because of what I jga ga understand wkwkkwk associated bag
full name is Slamet Riyadi, age kyaknya her 1 year older than me ,, she's Sp-B sdangkan I kid Sp-A. skolahku located in Sp-B so yes passable lok ngontel btuh ie 20-30 minutes but lok lok nyante encircling (speeding) yes approximately 15-10 minutes. smp distance to the house is in Sp-B tuh yaa about 3 KM so yes passable mbuat hard calf hahhaha
oia he was friends smpku class B ,, her son while I grader A. I think first I want inserted into the class B but not know why so in class A hehehhe ,, I've known since his entrance because associated bag he tuh Gede (this Eitss name the yes is not a measure of weight associated bag bdan or etc.). Gede and slamet is the most nosy slama first class, associated bag they always wrote invites kejar2an fit their target recess ,, yes tntu aj ,, I and Agni deck mgkin on clay irritated inseparable twins when there is a twin brother who is also level ( Strong and Steady Febriyanto Febriananto) but different merka bgt jan.
okey back to Slamet, he was vice chairman osis tuh 1 lok ga wrong while Gede was vice chairman of the student council chairman to 2 and I'm glad dweh time ,, hahahha fitting inauguration ie ,, I'm the team leader board osis new unk sdangkan kak vanus (Silvanus Primanggono) that so long chairman tman2nya leaders. lagy digress eh ,, slamet tuh walo've become vice chairman osis tpi ttap aj eco pack (builder osis0 pobud to me then started drai pngumuman ,, ,, leaders of prayer in front of the TPI fortunately ga leader hahahahha ceremony
time was the 17th of August associated bag thunnya I forgot kyknya fit I still class 2 smp dweh ,, in Nabire lok each 17an certainly held a flag ceremony and was followed by all schools tnpa exception and usually are only representative for each school ,, biasane provided one truck, , yes not remember TRUCK BUS or CAR therefore I prefer to ride buses and cars trucks dripada associated bag hehehhe dgan our truck SMPN1 wanggar troops leave there ,,
so can you imagine how high this truck ,, and unk who use it difficult associated bag bgt skirt reserved seats ,, ,, finally waloo sometimes I rise through the tire then mancek tuh truck bodies associated bag ,, hahha well slamet sllau bntu tman2 unk ride ,, no trkecuali I ,, so already entered all jlan dweh ,, ,, truck road in Nabire ga tuh aja plates, certainly meanders dgan attack twigs and branches of trees blocking the road ,, so ,, sometimes trdengar shouts "alert ,,, down all ,, "because there are branches that njedul street hahahha dgan bnyaknya twists and bnyaknya tman ynag who ate dpat ensured that definitely empet2an ,, which mbuat I moved IEE ,, slamet pobud pairs ngelindungiku unk body, so ga pressed ama teman2 associated bag others ,, so thrilled ,, ,,, sjak nch real events that incident and miraculous events was inaugurated lagy the name so playboy cap cockroach wkwkwkkwk
walo bgtu he ttaplah slamet kind and not arrogant ,, krna I and slamet 1 organization and we kdnag ad kgiatan brng mpek sometimes there are slah understand GTU ,, ngiranya I and Slamet courtship hehhehe pdhal ya ga ,,
The last time I was texting him tuh kemrin dgan night ,, he skrg in Serui krna smua family there dsna ,, he can not further study when he was certainly capable of TPI nurutku dear costs ga ga is so that he can go to college ,, skrg dream he just happy parents dgan mmbngun unk his house and educate both her siblings to graduate from college. trnyta he's still the same just as formerly sllau friendly associated bag and struggled unk adek2 he cares ,, no sms kmrin smpat gni ,, oh trnyta the playboy cap turned into a cockroach skrg sdah king loved by his subjects yes ,, he hnya reply hahahha bayu2 kmu KoG yes still calling you dgan sbutan wrote it ,, hmmm oh happy if it could ktmu and chat lgy dgan tman2 ..
maybe he can not lecture others walo bleak that he was able unk (brain) but for her parents and brother ,, happiness was more pnting ,, and I salute from him is massive effort that never mnyerah dgan whose name state ,, ,, he's happy he sllau pobud tmanku trtawa ,, salute for this one ,, smile so then your smile because it mmberikan effect to orang2
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