Monday, February 23, 2015 -

National Support 'Coins for Australia', Din Shams: uspost office We Pay Lunas Money Help for Tsunami 23/02 | 20:55 | 0 comments Europe Research uspost office in Sweden: Reduce Alcohol Consumption Intelligence 23/02 | 17:59 | 0 comments National Inspired BG Suryadharma Ali sues Commission to the South Jakarta District Court 23/02 | 15:18 | 0 comments National Child Protection Committee Urges Police Seize Manufacturer Shirts Illustrated Panda sordid 23/02 | 15:16 | 0 comments National Coins For Australia, JK: That Taste Emotions Society 23/02 | 14:20 | 0 comments Allowance First Press Release Indonesia Nasyid Loloskan Idol Top Six participants 23/02 | 10:26 | 0 comments Europe Norway Muslims Condemn Destruction of the Jewish Synagogue 22/02 | 15:51 | 0 comments uspost office Asia Demonstrations in Yemen State the entire Shiite Hutsi As Occupiers 22/02 | 15:11 | 0 comments Asian Activists: ISIS Fuel Library in Mosul 22/02 | 14:45 | 0 comments uspost office Asia Shiite uspost office Hezbollah Commander Killed in Syria 22/02 | 09: 27 | 0 comments
Home Basics Islamic Aqeedah Al-Quran Tafseer Quran Verse Ulumul Sharh Hadith Hadith Hadith Mushthalah Adzkar Ma'tsurah Usul Fiqh Islamic Fiqh Fiqh Ahkam Date constitution, uspost office Sirah Nabawiyah Contemporary Fiqh Islamic History Tazkiyatun Nufus International News America Europe Asia Australia Africa Regional National Interview Profile Analysis Friendship Travel News Photos Agenda People Press Releases Opinion Narrative Social Economic Political Islam Women Fiqh Technology Propagation Life Skill Hidayah Friday Sermon Sermon Sermon sermon Eid Eid al Adha Articles Book Release uspost office Family Education Family Education Children uspost office Youth Health Sciences Story Short Story Essay Campus Voice pulpit Rohis-OSIS Poetry and Poetry of Architecture Consulting Consulting Consulting Consulting Religion Family Health Consultation Consultation Zakat Sound Editor Editorial Minutes of Activity Dakwatuna dakwatuna care
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Children from one of the villages in Buton, always eager to travel nearly 20 miles to school. There are walking, using bicycles, use public transport or motorcycle village, or delivered to the motor by his parents. Most prefer to walk the grounds to be healthy, although the main reason is the cost-effective. That these children, not broken charcoal walked up to a place that is able to realize their dreams, at least be able to read.
Play and mingle with friends becomes a habit before class begins. After the iron bell struck with a hammer by nearly six times, children enter the classroom each and start the lesson. Alhamdulillah three classrooms in this school has ceramic floors, while others still stone floor. Thank God again every classroom is equipped with whiteboards. Alhamdulillah everything. If we want to trace the establishment of this school, we would be most grateful indeed. The school was originally built in the township. However, because it is located in the west and the wind flow easily collapsed school buildings hit by the wind, then the school has now moved in the border uspost office village. The school uspost office is located between the sea and the hills, so avoid sea breeze. uspost office This school became the only primary school in the village's standing.
Class room size of 7 5 meters this school, able to accommodate as many as 25 children. A long table and chairs long used two children. Often, one long seat is filled by three children. Only a few seats units are available in the classroom. Once the condition of school infrastructure of this country.
Even in one of the classes, there is a chair that is still used even though a student looks have been unsuitable. I named the chair with three legs stamp seat. The nickname was given because this chair only by 3 wood as 'foot' buffer. Students who sat on the chair, do not feel the difficulty possess it because it was used. Stamp chair legs sit three to a certain technique made as comfortable as possible students attend classes.
It is very noticeable contrast between uspost office schools in urban areas in the country with this. Stamp chair leg three, it becomes luck for children here, but they hope friends who are far away and unreachable as they get more support. Three feet stamp seat still be lucky, because the most important children can enjoy activities pe

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