Friday, January 3, 2014

To make more efficient procurement County Council has purchased consulting services for more than 3

To make more efficient procurement County Council has purchased consulting services for more than 3.6 million SEK from now Solving Efeso. But the council ignored the Public Procurement Act when it hired procurement consultants.
Kronoberg County Council has engaged consultants for procurement, to date, 3.6 million. But the county council made no public procurement.? What has been done is wrong, says Martin Myrskog, Acting landstingsdirektr. LS MORE Suzanne Frank (M): "It's serious" envelope printing
"Every penny saved, envelope printing is a penny more for health care." So writes Kronoberg County Council on their website where they tell you that in 2013 hires consultancy Solving Efeso AB. The reason to take the help of Solving is that it wants to see the possibilities of effective sera procurements and reduce the cost of purchases. But when the county hired Solving procured envelope printing it is not under the Law on Public Procurement. envelope printing Something should be done about the cost of what you are buying exceeds about 285 000. The County Council's costs of procurement consultants from Solving exceeds by far. More than 3.6 million kronor has so far paid, can Småland Post's review show. - The Public envelope printing Procurement Act has not been complied with. What has been done is wrong, says Martin Myrskog, Acting County Council. Solving hired the fall of 2012 to conduct an analysis of the County Council's procurement processes. It was initiated by the then County Council Börje Lindqvist. The analysis pointed Solving the opportunities and improvements that could lead to substantial savings in the long run up to around 50 million envelope printing per year. Börje Lindqvist gave when, according to Martin Myrskog, Solving the mission to make the changes that the company itself had proposed. A mission that is still ongoing. Since February this year, consultants from Solving, which is headquartered in Stockholm, traveled to and from Växjö. Of the 3.6 million that the county council so far has paid almost 400 000 costs for consultants' air and train travel, hotel accommodation and taxi fares. - I think it is quite common to pay that kind of costs for consultants. Most often, they are based course from a little larger resorts located a bit away, says Martin Myrskog. But the fact that buying expensive envelope printing services of a business, based on an analysis by the company itself has developed. Is not there a clear risk that they speak on your own behalf? - Yes, you are absolutely correct. Should have stopped this already last fall, after Solving first analysis mission? - My opinion is crystal clear on this issue. And it is yes. There are two compelling reasons for that. One is that we have not complied with the Public Procurement Act. And the second, and rather more important: We do not know whether there had been any other actor could have done the same thing but at a lower cost. While it may have committed criminal offenses, says Martin Myrskog that there are some "extenuating circumstances." - They had a pretty big quandary with economic development which made you feel a need to speed up this process. Then they decided to pick out Solving directly. He also believes that the Solving efforts have had the desired effect. - It has been shown to result in savings of about 30 million. How do you know? At least it has not been evident in the financial monthly reports. - No, we will not see the full impact of it until during 2014. But the project has made a compilation of the effects. By the county director, Börje Lindqvist, would not comment on the business with Solving Efeso, although he pointed out as responsible of the current county leadership. - They will be happy to point at me. But since I have no real role in Kronoberg County Council today so I do not think I should comment on it, he says.
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