A few days ago, the 94-year-old Marxist terrorist Nelson Mandela gold medal stamps in the news because he was dying. He seemed to initially recover, but this afternoon he suffered sudden cardiac arrest and died very quickly, despite all attempts to revive him.
The doctors on the ground in Pretoria has not had any difficulty to decide gold medal stamps what it was that killed off the man. Something that is not familiar to the broad public, gold medal stamps namely that Mandela was a notorious chain smoker, who often had the habit of not just smoke a cigarette, but sometimes as many as a half dozen at a time.
Of course it is shameful to glorify a chain-smoking terrorist Nelson Mandela gold medal stamps as the Western media unfortunately have done. Already in his teens, he was a heavy smoker, and had a habit of stealing cigarettes from white people. Secretly, he looked up to them and wanted to be one of them, retarded barbarian as he was, and thought he could get it by stealing their tobacco.
As is known, led Mandela racist terrorist activities gold medal stamps to the end that he was sentenced to a long prison term, one he mostly serving time on Robben Island. Despite the nefarious, shameful deeds he had committed treated however the white authorities in South Africa him with kid gloves. He was given the right to smoke cigarettes when he wanted in his cell, and the jail was also responsible for the cost of these cigarettes. His smoking, however, resulted in a poor working environment for the staff and fellow prisoners. Prison guards on Robben Island gold medal stamps tells us about how often did vacate the premises due to the constant bolmandet from Mandela's room, and at least one person should have died from lung cancer due to passive smoking.
Worse, it was when negro population finally defeated civilization down there in the early 90's and did Mandela dictator. He gottade really in its elevated position and the humiliation he could expose the white man. He smoked more than ever before, and showed even young children how to smoke, something they took for with enthusiasm.
During Mandela's leadership also began to sow the seeds of South Africa's downfall. He introduced the racist policy towards the white population and began to drive them out of the country. gold medal stamps The white people had built up over a century, he would not let take more than a fraction of this time to destroy, and the result we see now in the murders of white farmers, on the spot as world number one reached in violence and sex crime, and the high unemployment and poor economic development.
Mandela has also been normalized racial violence against white people, and today sings "people" down there daily Songs on how to kill the white man and take his property. Of course, he became a folk hero in the Soviet Union, a society he had intimate relations with.
Over Zealous police apprehended domestic cat straight from the hands of small children
See also our exposure to violence man Isaak here:
If our article made it appear that he did not accomplish anything, it is regrettable. Mandela is unfortunately gold medal stamps guilty of having transformed South Africa from the continent's gem into one big ghetto.
Ojojoj. You who wrote this article must be doing very badly. Have you been outside your native town sometime? Do you know where Africa is? Did you pass elementary school? Nothing of what you write has to do with reality, but seems to only be about the hatred you feel towards yourself and possibly your upbringing. Mandella gold medal stamps was a great man. You may even would read a little about him for inspiration to change your life to make it a little brighter. Self've probably never tried a cigarette. Nor drank some beer. Then you could damage gold medal stamps the whole population according to your theory that makes Mandella terrorist because he smoked. When you offend others it back to yourself, so try to treat others as you wish to be treated gold medal stamps yourself. gold medal stamps Relatives Research also so that you find out where you come from and work on accepting your own origin. You know, we are all one! Good Luck!
Oh no, became batik witch upset? We just did our usual news reporting on this racist terrorist. gold medal stamps Bit comical that you spell his name wrong - it is only an L in Mandela. I advise you to read more about Mandela if you have the rosy picture of him you have - the fact was that he was convicted in the court of jurisdiction for terrorist when he more or less tried to initiate a war of aggression against South Africa.
"Smoking killed off him." Ha ha, the old man's 94 years, and according to the article kedjerökt in about 80 years. How many non smokers achieve such a high age? Furthermore, you completely wrong. The old man's not dead yet. Where do you your facts?
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