Friday, January 10, 2014

The integrated company christmas stamps 2012 SEPI managed 2,864.8 million items of ordinary corresp

Post time kept by 37 cents the price of the stamp for sending standard letters and postcards and up to 20 grams in 2014, according to informed sources in the public postal operator. However, the postal operator discards failed upgrade in these rates during the year 2014, the sources said. For now, at the start of the new year remains unchanged Mail prices for all items included in the obligation of public service provision (OSP) that the operator entrusted by law to ensure quality postal christmas stamps 2012 service throughout christmas stamps 2012 the national territory and affordable.
These services include mailings and national and international portals up to two kilos in weight and parcels christmas stamps 2012 up to 20 kilos cards, in addition to the Certificate Services declared value and shipments direct advertising books or periodicals. The rest of the Business Card is fully liberalized christmas stamps 2012 since 2011. This is the first time that the company keeps the price of the stamps with the new year since 2006. In all these past seven years, the postage stamp has gone up by 32%, from 28 euro cents it cost in 2006 to the current 37 cents euro. In this period, christmas stamps 2012 rising seals have ranged between christmas stamps 2012 2.7% in 2013 and 6.25% in 2010. Depreciation Posts
The integrated company christmas stamps 2012 SEPI managed 2,864.8 million items of ordinary correspondence during 2012, down 9.5% from a year earlier, according to the latest data released by the operator. According to their data, Correos is one of the first companies in the country by capillarity and territorial coverage, has given 9,000 points of access to its services. Specifically, total 2,374 multiservice offices, hundreds of special service units, 1,835 units and 7,116 delivery points for rural service. Furthermore, lega l daily with shipments to 28 million homes, businesses and institutions.
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