Sunday, June 15, 2014

Is Skype + Google Docs -

After a short search I sent emails to two language schools and one spoke by Skype. It was a hit. Fastest contact form. After a while I arranged a trial lesson. And a few weeks refresh your English on individual conversations through Skype. Here's my subjective list of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach:
- Skype is also a good "patent" on transmissions ideal envelopes of sound. It does not matter if you have a headset, as you have set the sound card - always good to hear and echo cancellation is brought to perfection.
- During the lesson, even if they are conversations, new words or expressions. And they can be supposed to save the chat. But what's next? Hmmm ... Of course, you can select a word in the chat, copy and paste it into a file. Except that a) the student has to do it, b) copying of Skype is a pain, because copies are also time to send a message and the name of the sender. These data need from the target file should be removed. Such maneuvers underway for several seconds each time. You pay for the student.
- Working on Skype chat and document, where words are collected, or exercise, the student is forced to przeklikiwać between the two programs. Again, the time and the need for additional distracting activities. Besides, when watching a large portion ideal envelopes of my friends working with computers every day, I can see how some of it is difficult to "slightly" to move between programs - such clicking is for many people an additional, unnecessary stress factor.
- Execution of any exercise ugruntowujących new knowledge or vocabulary, it is almost impossible or possible in the style of "the left hand behind your right ear." My teacher at the beginning of my sentences pasted into gapped ideal envelopes chat. Apparently all game, but only to the point where I want to keep such an exercise (another copy), or insert hatches such as the verbs in the correct form. Option type: teacher copies exercise for Skype chat, student copies it to your own document, and finally solves the re-copies the Skype chat to see if the teacher does not give a damn about errors is inconvenient and time consuming. Of course, one can say that Skype can split the screen. I wish you good luck! The picture ideal envelopes quality which transmits Skype is still very low and this affects ideal envelopes comfort.
After two lessons I protested and włączyłyśmy at my request Google Docs. It is definitely quite interesting solution. But unfortunately this does not "care of" the problem of clicking and show any film student is blaming another portion clicking.
Is Skype + Google Docs -> This solution is much more efficient and frees the student from the obligation to click, copy, etc. The school should have, however, thought out methodology of working in such a constellation of programs.
The main advantage - teacher and student work full time in one space. Depending on the severity of the virtual room can work both easier or just a bit much, but that's another story.
- Many providers have websites that look as if done at the beginning of the present century. It's nothing that we can already 2011. Language Schools do not mind. And I like that. So I did not take such providers into consideration at all.
- Lessons are offered mainly by Skype, are also available to the "classic" courses e-learnignowe type WBL. I found one I train at the truth which teaches the virtual classroom, but there treated me like a spy, because I asked if I could first to see how their virtual room. Lord, I spoke frankly to obśmiał. I felt the phone like knocking your head explaining ideal envelopes to me that first I have to pay for the course, and then in the classes will be given to me to join the extraordinary author of the virtual room.
- When asked in a telephone conversation about science in a virtual room, 99% of respondents did not know what I mean. So I have a feeling that the choice of Skype was not created by the rejection of the other solutions, but the lack of knowledge of alternatives.
I see that nothing has changed in the last two years. ideal envelopes Once I was a "consultant" ideal envelopes in a language school who wanted to enter seriously into remote teaching. I was able to "skroić" nice combination of tools opensourcowych, which allowed both sharing the traditional e-learning, social learning, and conducting Webinars and virtual lessons. Unfortunately, the concept is over. He won immortal skype. For conversation about, for classes of grammar and exercises already worse. When it comes to translating words it is a plugin Google Translate ideal envelopes to Skype.
So on the one hand, I understand that companies are looking for savings and free solutions are an interesting option. On the other hand - such solutions do not give a chance to distinguish itself from the competition. ideal envelopes As a result, the price remains as a differentiator.
I realize ideal envelopes that this is a generalization, and that so

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