Saturday, November 16, 2013

The problem is that municipalities have not been able to get assurance that the current practice of

Digital citizens drown in signatures
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New Bill on mandatory self-service and digital post has long sought in the municipalities. But the legislation must be followed up with sensible administration and finance, if not it should go beyond individuals.
Today first-treat parliament bates stamp a bill on mandatory self-service and digital post. The legislation is sought by municipalities, as it allows for more efficient communications with citizens. To the new legislation benefit the public benefit must be followed up with sensible administration and finance.
KL supports that individuals prospectively to apply and communicate digitally with the municipality. Savings from increased digitization municipalities will use the close welfare in each municipality that affect citizens' everyday lives.
KL hills basically up on the new legislation. But this support depends of how municipalities in practice to handle such signatures on the digital letters. Something that is not under control today.
"It is important to understand bates stamp that we are talking about a paradigm shift for citizen services in Denmark, where the digital channel will be the first choice when contacting the public. When we change citizen services radically, it requires that we be completely accurate in law behind, "said Erik Nielsen, president of KL's Labour Market and Trade and Industry, and continues:
"Therefore, there must be clarity on how municipalities administratively bates stamp to manage digital communication going forward. It is important for municipalities because it is our job to ensure that public confidence in the new citizen. "
The problem is that municipalities have not been able to get assurance that the current practice of physical bates stamp signatures on letters will be eliminated when the letters are digital. Therefore, many municipalities have already been launched local initiatives to waive the requirement.
Municipalities can meanwhile look enviously over to the payment Denmark, SKAT and SU, which has statutory authority to bow employees' signatures. But when it comes to local letters, the state can not make a clear statement. The government has promised changes bates stamp in legislation. It is reported that the desired simplification followed by demands for Storm P-type digital stamps on all letters from municipalities. But what municipalities and citizens should expect in the future remains to be seen.
"It is frustrating that the state quickly and easily removes old rules and practices for their own store. But when it comes to municipalities, the state is more hesitant. For citizens, is it weird that there is a squiggle on the bottom of the letter from the municipality but not from payment Denmark, TAX, SU, "said Nielsen.
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