On the approval she has shown up, says a so-called first class stamp CHR No. 119652 - CHR does Centrally Pets Register. A database search on CHR No says it is a "goat herd" and "hobby pig farming" we can also see that there are 5 goats and 11 pigs. The approval is in her husband's name. According to the CHR No, it is an approval for goats & Pig (meat) and not an endorsement to sell rodents or commit residential business.
12 Comments first class stamp on Swine & Goats!
No. Now I will not accuse them of being too pointy I'm pretty sure, I repeat, they pull any approval given, and believe that we are all just as stupid as the support she can pretend everything. where is page 2 where there probably is stamp and signature, unless it is home fabricated yes no Thou wilt come back to me
Nevertheless, when it rejoices my heart to see .... SO NO APPROVAL FOR ANY .... But we have all been long. One can also see that there are no updates from Tanya should have been visited and got her "consent" And I can with my very trained eye see that this document is not genuine, but a piece of paper that is "cut and pasted "I. But now we know the FVS has already received a clip of your so-called authentication ... Mon Annika and Kjærside can help you now LOOL
Why do not we allowed to see the piece of paper with stamp and the whole lot DVFA for it is not there in the paragraph paper that is "DEAL YOUR PETS A SECOND CHANCE" page????????? ???????????????????????????????????????
Why can not the paper not throw up on "GIVE YOUR PETS A SECOND CHANCE" now that the other is allowed to lie there??????????????? Something to hide??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????
You start constantly your comment with "I do not take sides" - of course you do. But that's ok. You were there simply because the envelope with the approval came? It seems you know Tanya Joinery first class stamp pretty good, you can not ask her to throw out the entire approval up on its side? And not just see what kind of animal it comes about.
July 31, 2013 at. 9:10 am
Annika Moller first class stamp Pedersen also wrote - that she was there because "Ernst" from the Food Administration first class stamp came and told they were approved for residential. It can be read elsewhere on the page here - either lying or Annika Food Administration first class stamp is lying. I do like a bet that Annika lying. first class stamp
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