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School - training and education company stamp institution, concisely defined wiki. And how much it fits people's lives. Many schools in the past year - perhaps the most beautiful, unforgettable company stamp part of life when he returned to the nostalgic memories.
Teacher position is described as a person who is familiar with and training the students in accordance with established educational programs. But could not hold on any program teacher daily concerns, company stamp aspirations, to the complex process of education and training to reach each student's mind and heart. The program arranged for students total long late autumn and winter evenings. And the joy of a student's success, because your success and this, the student failure and frustration, maybe even grievances that could not find the way to one or the other student's inner world. company stamp So teaching is inseparable company stamp from the concern and responsibility for young people nurture valuable persons. After all, without the knowledge of the man himself must develop strong moral grounds, rational and critical company stamp thinking to follow the life of human values ...
At that time, a number of lab work proposed topics Terleckas Anthony asked for advice, I chose to write "Stakliškės" Lithuanian mead factory "story." In 1969, we completed both extramural studies V. Kapsukas Vilnius State University, company stamp History - Faculty of Philology. Collecting the material for this work, I found an interesting fact - possible school Užuguostyje rudiments. Vilnius, Eustakijaus and Emilia Wroblewski company stamp library, reading Jan KURSZEWSKI "Biskupstwo Wilenski, I found the table ruled, stating that in 1798. Užuguostyje was 2 pupils.
During that period, have been the elevation of education. company stamp 1773. Two Nations (ATR) was established in the Education Commission, which is considered the first in Europe, and perhaps the world's Ministry of Education. She immediately began to develop national education system. By the year 1775 carried out a number of reforms, of which the most important are: school taken from churches and supasaulietintos, company stamp and the second - the introduction of education for the children of all castes. This is reflected company stamp in the above mentioned columns: the nobility, townspeople and peasants. It is unfortunate that students Užuguostyje origin. Meanwhile Stakliškės 1781. There were students - 3 nobility, 4 and 6 urban peasants. The question is, why were mainly peasants? Probably company stamp reflecting the impact of the Education Commission already mentioned company stamp reform. The extra mouthful of freedom aroused peasants, and they were quick to take advantage of it. And among the nobility (noble) could occur and the psychological mind: why allow children to go to school, because they are without science and nobility. Similarly, thought and some farmers: "Why me the sciences, this sort of economy is waiting for me." These and similar expressions have ever heard in childhood. And here Užuguostyje told a similar case.
So you can see that in 1798 there Užuguostyje school embryonic stage. In later times the number of students is not specified, and the presence of any schools mentioned. Provided, however company stamp that was taught at home. How many people company stamp seek memories Užuguostyje Primary School was founded in the nineteenth century, at the end of 1886. The school building was made of wooden logs, covered tables with plates to be called. This building was equipped with two class teachers snug and two rooms with a kitchen live teacher. Near schools were also built woodshed. Before the First World War in the school attended company stamp by several dozens of children. They are taught by one teacher - Russian Kutuzov. Taught only in Russian, was very angry, students often hit her with a ruler over my hands, which always put across your table.
Similarly, the teacher is told in 1912 and 1913 studied Eitulionyse Urbonavičius Silvestras, Adam. There was also the name of a Russian teacher Kosiok, all the things taught in Russian, except for prayer. Only prayer before school was talking Lithuanian. Understood their behavior such as, according company stamp to A.Baranauskas, their aspirations were wicked. About the year 1859 -1860 A. Baranauskas in his work, "Well, Lithuania, well, the Daugava" aptly remarked:
Stories of people company stamp know that the teacher Kutuzov Užuguostyje company stamp worked and not long before the war went on. During and after his Aukštuolytė worked as a teacher, and has worked in 1918 -1919 mm Aukštuolis. 1921 -1922 mm for two school teachers: Semežys, and the second teacher's names could not be determined. According to the administrative division of the then Lithuanian Užuguostis of Trakai company stamp Trakai County District II Aukštadvaris parish. In 1926, the school teacher came to work Vilutis Felix, who became a longtime uzu
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