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Alexei Volkov 5:25 15/02/15. Posted mail online us by Helen M., a resident of Komsomolsk. "To us in 2015-02-16T05: 25: 26 + 00: 00 New Russia No Comment
"In shkolu to Us, Where I prepodavala great-language mail online us and literaturu nA Den Pobedy prixodili veterany Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny, rasskazyvali o geroizme, zhertvax and razrusheniyax. mail online us IT'S Ho was istoriya. Xot and nasha rodnaya; yet passed. But at this moment the war broke into our homes. Starting from February 2, these Nazis relentlessly shelled our city. And precisely hit the city hospital, on the part of schools, kindergartens, mail online us to college, to the boiler. The market was destroyed timber store.
Even before the two girls were killed. Ukrainian punishers are meanly: mail online us that people can not do it adapt to the frequency of attacks, are indiscriminate firing. Four in the morning, then five, seven in ...
If we, the adults, scary experience, it seems to say much about the children! My oldest grandson with three guy does not get tired of repeating: "How good to be alive!". And yet, after shelling with longing in his eyes asked, "Grandma, here you have the same view of something good?"
How to explain to children what we kill? But what, really, only children? My aunt lives in Poltava. Even before our very escape mail online us from the fire, we talked to her on the phone, and she said in all seriousness: "And maybe it's a true story Soviet Union attacked Germany and the history taught us wrong?"
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1914. The feat Tychinina girls dressed mail online us as a man 21:35 - No Comment
COCO Says: nonsense! ))))))) ...
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