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The explanation: Under cover "scientific", this letter paper doilies contains mistakes. Serious deception is the assertion that "the association between paper doilies high levels of aluminum in the brain and Alzheimer's disease." paper doilies In the sixties and seventies was a suspicion among scientists link between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. Since then, studies have ruled out the possible connection but what was once a suspicion that eventually became the fact that never cease to repeat it as if it is real. Further reading "Alzheimer's - Myths and Hfrctm" on the Association for the Elderly and Is there any proof that Alzheimer's disease is related to exposure to aluminum - for instance, by using aluminum frying pans? Scientific American website source: why not aluminum paper doilies foil? "Paper money" - not recommended because it is a risk factor for a variety paper doilies of health problems such as Alzheimer's that aluminum paper doilies foil, or as "paper money", that makes our lives so easy Bmtbh- not innocent at all! Aluminum paper doilies is a metallic chemical paper doilies element is in fact the most common paper doilies metal on earth. Aluminum has great economic importance and is used in many industries such as electronics, cars, computers, deodorants, certain medications, and external facing decoration of cakes and pastries, and of course, kitchenware paper doilies and food wrappings. While pure aluminum produced from nature, with the first exposure to oxygen creates a chemical reaction paper doilies causing the formation of a layer of oxidized aluminum. This layer strongly adheres to the metal surface area and protects paper doilies it from oxidation process continued. (A process called Anodized.) Although Nevertheless, there is evidence of a relatively high probability of damage to health due to exposure to aluminum metal dissolves chemical grounds came in contact with food, especially at high temperatures like cooking / baking. So why is not healthy? Association between high levels of aluminum in the brain and Alzheimer's disease. High levels of aluminum in the body can damage the nervous system nerve cells, since the metal is stored mostly in the brain. Aluminum also affects the increased secretion of the hormone in the brain that increase the discharge of calcium paper doilies from the bones and therefore tied to the theme of "osteoporosis" (osteoporosis). The process of aluminum causes damage to the body is unclear but there are studies paper doilies that show that this metal increases inflammation and enhances paper doilies the H"hmtzon "our natural (or aging if you will). In extreme cases of aluminum poisoning will even destruction of tissue paper doilies and this will be reflected senility and poor mental activity, insomnia and decreased function of the liver and kidneys. About the dangers of aluminum accumulation in the body there is no question, but I must say there is no consensus whether the exposure to and use of products containing aluminum body indeed cumulative factors and not enough research on the subject to determine unequivocally. Either way, this aluminum toxic metal that has no place in our body, and can cause a variety of health problems. Another point Lmhsva- aluminum also harmful to the environment that is not biodegradable paper doilies and can release toxins. Always have the option to avoid using aluminum as baking format of glass (Pyrex) instead of disposable molds them, or simply paper doilies put baking paper (and preferably the more expensive kind that bleached). Baking paper can also be used for upholstery pattern toaster oven, just need to replace it more frequently and not too high temperatures heat up so as not to burn. Or you can substitute Pyrex pan. For the pots, the simplest paper doilies solution is to use stainless steel as stainless steel, and tried to contain as little paper doilies as possible nickel (Ni tool contains less if he sticks to a magnet). Another option paper doilies is to pots are made of glass and are cooking on all stoves, or pots email. In short, there are solutions to all ... just have to decide you want. Health! Written by Nirit Levy, ND Naturopathic
Note that in English you've connectivity, from Scientific American - not written farfetched supposition but says there could be a link between aluminum and Alzheimer's, but unlikely that aluminum is only a secondary factor for the disease (but not registered that he was not a factor at all, opposite). What began to suspect he dialysis patients in the 80s of the last century, paper doilies there have been a number of years after Alzheimer's treatment, autopsy found residues of aluminum in the brain (that came through the dialysis machine). Preventive care and thus began the matter (although it's digestive system and not the page). Here is the article on the aluminum in dialysis patients who started the topic: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00688530?LI=true
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