Monday, December 8, 2014

A simple blog format

A simple blog format
Current assets 1,110 holdings of cash Bank 111,001 fund R 111 002 Fund currency 111,003 cash funds IRR 111,004 cash funds in foreign currency 111,005 holdings of banks in monetary how much is a 1st class stamp 111,006 how much is a 1st class stamp holdings of banks and foreign exchange 111 007 funds in the 111,008 being paid in a currency in 1111 short-term deposits 111 102 deposit to participate in the tender 111,103 how much is a 1st class stamp deposit customs 111,105 deposit guarantee bank 111,106 how much is a 1st class stamp Other deposits in 1112 Notes receivable 111 201 checks in the collection of 111,202 documents in the collection of 111,203 checks receivable to fund 111,204 note receivable to fund the 1113 accounts receivable, trade 111 301 persons (the receivables) 111 302 companies (accounts receivable) 111,305 reserve requirements for doubtful 111,306 documents protest by 1,114 Other receivables 111 401 advance the rights of 111,402 loans require employees 111 403 mortgage professionals 111,404 current employees, 111,406 damages for Azbymh 111,407 claims for non-commercial use of other natural and legal persons 111,409 premium growers and discharge growers customs 111,411 Accounts and documents receivable 1115 Investments Short-term 111 501 short-term deposits Nzdbank ha 111,502 shares of other companies 1116 inventories Vkala 111,601 raw material inventory 111,602 inventory of spare parts 111604 product inventory 111 606 possessions in stock 111,607 freight inventories 111 608 Control Order 111609 commodity Trust us with another 111,611 deviation buying raw materials 111 621 inventory items stagnant Vnabab 111,622 inventory of waste raw materials decreases how much is a 1st class stamp seen in equipment spare 111,623 stock items stagnant Vnabab 111,624 stores depreciation of existing products, 111,625 stores devaluation of inventories The initial 111,626 stores devaluation parts inventory Agents how much is a 1st class stamp 1117 work during the construction of 111,701 Kardrjryan build 111,702 diversion rate Kardrjryan beginning of 1118 orders Vaqlam of the 111,801 original cost order 111,802 costs order 111 803 insurance costs 111,804 banking charges 111,805 Customs charges 111,806 salary, dues Port 111 807 Inspection fee 111 808 cost premium discharged 111,809 freight costs 111,810 Other expenses 111 811 expenses before the opening credits 1119 prepayments 111,901 prepaid purchases of raw materials 111,902 prepaid purchase how much is a 1st class stamp property, plant and equipment how much is a 1st class stamp 111 903 Prepaid Order parts and spare parts 111 904 Prepaid running costs 111,905 prepaid purchase how much is a 1st class stamp of 111,907 Deposit Insurance Assets 111,908 prepayment audit 111,909 before taxes 111 910 prepaid expenses, research and development 111 911 Prepaid rent 111 912 prepaid expenses, profit Vkarmzdvamha 111,913 payment to contractors 111,916 inventory of stamps and note 12 Assets Non-Current 1210 Property, plant and equipment 121 001 Buildings 121 002 Utilities 121 003 Machinery and equipment producing 121,004 tools and dies 121,005 vehicles from 121,006 furnishings Vmnsvbat 121,007 Labware 121,011 inventory control - fund 121,012 Control of Assets - Inventory 1211 accumulated depreciation of property, plant and equipment 121 101 accumulated depreciation of buildings 121,102 accumulated depreciation facility 121,103 accumulated depreciation of machinery and equipment producing 121,104 accumulated depreciation of tools and molds 121,105 accumulated depreciation vehicles how much is a 1st class stamp 121,106 how much is a 1st class stamp accumulated how much is a 1st class stamp depreciation furniture and fixtures 121 107 accumulated depreciation Labware 1212 of 121 201 of 1213 fixed assets in the completion of the 121,301 buildings in the completion of 121,302 establishments in the completion of 121,303 machines how much is a 1st class stamp in the completion of the 121,304 tools and molds for the completion of the 1214 capital Saskatchewan how much is a 1st class stamp long 121 401 Investments in subsidiaries 121 402 Investments in affiliated companies 121,409 shares of other companies in 1215 deposit Howe demands long term 121,501 concessional loans long-121502 saving how much is a 1st class stamp deposits with banks in 1216 for the years ahead (money transfer to future periods) 121 601 vide cost before Operation 121,603 cost benefit Vkarmzdvamhay long 121,606 cost of research and development 121 607 Other expenses years later in 1220 Other assets 122 001 Royalties 122 002 Goodwill 122 003 deposit water 122,004 bond electricity 122005 margin call 122 006 deposit gas 122 007 Other Vday 122 011 Applications 122 012 systems and methods 21 current liabilities 2,110 accounts payable trade 211 001 persons (accounts payable) 211 002 companies (accounts payable) 211,003 items trust others with Us 211,004 pending purchase 211,009 of accounts payable trade 2,111 Notes payable, short-term 211 101 payable IRR 211,102 Asnadprdakhtny Exchange 2112 Other accounts payable 211 201 Tax on Mdshrkt 211,202 salary tax Vdstmzd employees 211,203 withholding taxes from third parties 211,204 social security - the premium of employees 211 205 social security - premium third parties 211,206 life insurance observations employees 211,207 fund training how much is a 1st class stamp 211,208 salary Vdstmzd payable 211,209 contractors 211,212 feast Vpadash payable 211,213 productivity payable 211,215 audit fees payable 211,216 tax 211 218 two thousand sales industries 211,219 one per PE 211 220 costs payable 211 222 complications of Education, 211 224 of Law 2,113 Deposits received 211,301 Deposits received bids Vmnaqsh 211,302 Deposits received Performance Bond 211 303 Other deposits received 2114 Advances 211,401 advance for sale Goods 211 409 Other ago 2115 savings 211,501 how much is a 1st class stamp savings in 2116 proposed dividends now and looking 211 601 Dividends proposed 211,602 how much is a 1st class stamp Dividends payable 2,117 facilities and credit received 211,701 loans from banks - sale of 211,702 loans from banks - the predecessor 2118 Other reserves 211,801 Reserve leave unused 211,803 stores and other expenses 211 805 storage bin Worker 22

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