Vakar Emilija no rīta Palika slābana, negribēja est un pēctam Vinai Palika slikti. Šonakt Vinai bija temperatura, bet šodien no tā visa vairs nav ne vests. Ej nu saproti tos Bernus un Vinu veselību. Vakar domāju, ko lai padara, sēžot majas, un nolēmu apdrukāt kārtējo Ikea Gurli spilvenu. Sakuma pie darba Keros it. Kada Jau pirms laika biju nopirkusi Gaisi zilo Krasu, jo gribēju uztaisīt spilvenu ar Makoni un lietu. Rezultāts ir mazliet blāvs, bet ne tik blāvs kā uz bildēm. Izmantoju mākonim nevis kartupeļi, bet gan Kartona Gardablu.
Yesterday morning Emilia has suddenly become weak, did not want to eat and then it was too bad. At night she had a fever, but today is nothing more to see of the nausea and fever. Somehow I can not figure out the teething problems. So yesterday I sat and thought, what we can do well, as long as we sit at home. Then I thought we could still print a Gurli Ikea pillowcase again. In the beginning I printed how much is a second class stamp a page. Few months ago before I bought a light blue color, to print a cloud and rain on a pillow. The end result is little pale, but not so pale, like the pictures. For the cloud I used a cardboard box. Pēctam māksliniece Helēna drīkstēja izpausties uz otras spilvena puses un Emilija drīkstēja Vinai palīzēt uzdrukāt sirsniņas. Kā var redzēt, kopdarba rezultāts viņām patika - un is Ari.
Then the artist Helena could be on the other side cushion their talent free rein. Emilia could help her printing with the little hearts. Both were satisfied with their work - and I also.
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