About 1 Introduction 2 What is and what Embat search? Objectives and Methodology 3 4 5 Axes of work organization and operation Communism Libertarian Anarchism - History of Anarchism post porto Questions Reflections on organizational commitment, responsibility and self-discipline articles for Debate post porto discussion on sovereignty Activities
From 2008 to our country above all but also internationally, first in the USA and then, and more marked in Europe, appears in absolute terms the new scheme of capitalist management, which was growing during decades mainly by the thinktank Saxon and being executed by international organizations capitalist post porto absolutism (EU, NATO, ECB, IMF, OCD, CDE).
The capitalist elites, having established the conditions for the end of the "consent" of the neoliberal model of management are rapidly upgrading post porto their positions to launch a more aggressive attack against the forces of structural work.
The time of the bubble in which it was possible to buy the social consent post porto by the supply of hopes and promises of consumption with money left, exploded after being swelling post porto for nearly forty years. The global, the universal means or group and time have been colonized by capitalist relations in terms of a despiadat abuse. This has resulted in abuse of the human being through the new negative correlations-play operation.
Consent as a mediation policy has been abandoned by the elites to consider post porto the process post porto too costly. These, to withdraw from the table of dialogue post porto on the social contract have a sound slap in the face to those who were still repeating its tune on common interests and peaceful coexistence.
The new phase into which we confront the great dynamics conflictively twentieth post porto century were expressed according to the class-forces called for now Crisis. Crisis makes direct shattered all expectations, all social and political formations above and, thus, the set of models of resistance that took shape in the core period "development" of war.
The crisis brought back as a priority in the public sphere archetypal social problem post porto of inequality and injustice in the modern context of globalized capitalism. At the same time, highlights post porto the contradictions that govern the social fabric.
Everything that had been derived as a conflict of social forces on the ground and biopolitical management Social breaks as a simple jar in the first row of the new era of upheaval.
None of the political parties that neither can nor wants to see this new reality, while, post porto on the other hand, too-for now-powerless oppressed have not won the confrontation and arms a rest before the attacks of the elites .
The old world model management policies prior to the crisis, identifies the new political landscape of demolished, expressing social breakdown in the environment post porto of the recession. For this is a common place for the collective imagination of the whole political parties and mediators, whatever the point of the political spectrum where they are located, whether resposanble -of form or another situation current.
The re-articulation classes, among other things, construction tools transforms ideologies, political signs and patterns of collective action. Especially post porto thinking back to the great debates, which tend to arise the great stories, regardless of their previous functions do not seem to exhaust its coordinates to a world that, perhaps contrary to what we thought a few years ago, had not heard all that was supposedly already said.
The crisis is essentially waiting room and unavoidable stage in which capitalism must pass before post porto driving Western societies to the new order of absolutism uncontrollable economic capital. This period thus acquires dimensions of great importance, since it will depend on the resistance that companies produce the new relationship dynamic that will determine post porto not only the correlations policies, but also-more post porto profundes- social and institutional. post porto And that is as political mandates post porto the administration increasingly relate directly to the lives of the subjects, to the point it reaches to question the sanctity of life and the conditions required for it.
Our conceptions regarding the philosophical and political thinking tools that allow us to penetrate the partner
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