Finally the seeds of 'desire' propagated by Nimrod president of the government of the first phase ilipotengeneza'mimba glitter pot 'and childbirth' sin ', the child was mature after puberty birthday. Now there called glitter pot 'child' again but his name was changed to kuitwa'mauti '. Note that there are four stages of growth and maturation of seeds until the harvest. So it was when our world iliposhuhudia four phases of world government where in the fourth phase Happened causing crop yields coalition government glitter pot and religion. It was the administration of the fourth phase (Roman Empire) under the President Constantine, who puts his palace in Rome that true faith they disbanded after the president establish iliyochanganya religious glitter pot truth and lies in applying the principles antithesis ya'Thesis x = Synthesis. True faith was a 'thesis' glitter pot when pagan founded by Nimrod was the 'antithesis'. These two beliefs zilichanganywa and president Constantine and bear something called 'Synthesis' glitter pot that is a mixture of fact and fiction. That was after many years have passed since the president Nimrod desire can establish a system of governance which unites government and religion to be the same thing. That was the fourth phase of the rule of one-world government. Yes! Religion founded in Rome during the fourth phase of the rule of one of the world government under President Constantine was the result of the seeds of the 'greedy' Nimrod president to establish a united system of government and religion in the entire world domination. Matter of government and religion merge together and mix fact and fiction was conquered fierce battles and 'Protestant' who were not ready to see the truth of God's word being mixed with fiction. However 'Protestants' they could not separate government and religion and then they decided to separate religion and government was united that they might worship God in spirit and in truth. By 1798 there was a change in government and religion united after the president glitter pot and religious leader arrested glitter pot and executed in France. After the death of the president and religious leader of the government of the world, it seemed that the end of system administration linking government and religion. But it was not final because one nation created in the city of Rome whether continuation of the system of government and religion merge. This nation was given the name of the Vatican. Ndioo! The Vatican is a country inayotawalaiwa by Pope being the president and religious leader as well. Now the name of the government that was called 'Roman Catholic' that is 'the Roman world'. Meaning of the word 'Catholicism' is 'universal' or spread worldwide. This government has spread worldwide due to the presence of representatives (ambassadors) of the nation worldwide. Compared to other countries in the area of the square, glitter pot it is possible this nation is smaller than other nations around the world but is a strong nation larger than all nations - do not be surprised! There have been efforts to ensure that the whole world comes back to the system of administration of government and religion. Freemasons glitter pot have been on long-term plans into groups to make sure that one of the world government that will connect with religion and the economy is made up as soon as possible. glitter pot Government glitter pot that will be built on the foundation laid by the first president in the first phase of the rule of one-world government. glitter pot It will be recalled glitter pot that the president Nimrod founded the religion iliyoabudu gods (planet) 36 where the sum of the gods brought the number 666. ..... Next time we watched it numbers 666 and its relationship to the Freemasons
Now listen deeply and merchant banking Freemason master Paul Warburg, glitter pot saying that "We will have a world Government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether That will be achieved by Government Conquest or consent." (Words spoke on the February 17, 1950, while he was addressing the Senate in the US) .Warburg meant that the government of the world must be established, ask or do not take. The question is whether that government will be established by agreement or by war. In 1992, Dr. John Coleman wrote a book called 'conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300'. In this book Dr. Coleman has identified the people involved in the whole process of the creation of a one-world government or New World Order. On page 161 Dr. Coleman explains the objectives of the Committee of 300 (his chair at the head of the church in the world) and say: "A One World Government and one-unit Monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists WHO self-select from among Their Numbers in the form of a feudal system as it frame in the Middle glitter pot Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by Restrictions on the Number of Children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until it 1 billion people wh
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