Sunday, April 13, 2014

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Retouching photos us postal rates in Photoshop is fairly simple once you get the hang of it. You can retouch blemishes, scratches or even freckles on faces rather easily, using the "stamp". The rubber stamp tool copies the selected pixel and then "paste" them over the area that you choose. Depending on the amount us postal rates of tweaking to be done, the process can be slow going and tedious, but well worth the time invested. Here's us postal rates how to use the rubber stamp tool to retouch your freckles.
Difficulty: Moderately challenging Instructions us postal rates Things You'll need to program Adobe Photoshop Photography us postal rates digitized who need retouching Open your photo to be retouched in Photoshop and select the magnifying glass in the toolbox. You are going to zoom in on the area to be retouched, so you can clearly see what you're doing. Depending on how much area is small, us postal rates you can zoom in up to 200% or more. Select the Stamp tool in the toolbox. At the top of your workspace, options will appear for the instrument, such as brush size and mode. They're going to want to start with a small brush and slowly fill the area. Choose a format that is smaller than the freckle that you want to remove. Return us postal rates to your photograph and choose the area you want to retouch. Select an area of the skin that is lighter us postal rates than the dark area of skin that you want to remove. Essentially, look for a skin color that will be "pasted" over the freckle. Be careful to choose us postal rates an area of skin tone that is closer freckle possible and not one that is too light a color. Place the rubber stamp tool over the area lighter and holding the left click key (on your PC) "Alt" on that area. You will see the mouse icon changes when you press the Alt key This "selects" the pixels lighter below. Place your mouse over the freckle to be removed, and left click again (do not hold down any key.) You stuck pixels lighter above the freckle. Repeat until you have covered us postal rates the freckle and have a smooth transition. This is a little 'hard to get the hang of, but the more you practice, the better you get. Tips & Warnings
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