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1-Click Installs (3 FREE!) Downloads speeds up to 5mb/sec and "automagically" installs cars and tracks!.
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Map Plugin Beta Version 1.06 (rFactor & SuperLeague Formula 2009) Description ================= Plugin shows Cars and Track Map in rFactor and is fully Configurable post porto brief by Mapconf.txt text file. It was developed post porto brief by Fazerbox ( This Plugin version integrates XD 2.1.4 developed by Yako. See http:/// IMPORTANT ================ post porto brief It is not possible execute MapPlugin + XD + TVStyle at the same time Possible scenarios: post porto brief a) MapPlugin b) MapPlugin + XD c) MapPlugin + TVStyle Requirements: ============== A) DirectX End-User Runtimes (November 2008) from Microsoft: ENG: B) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) ENG Version: IT it doesn't post porto brief work, try to download and install .NET Framework 3.5. Download from Microsoft site. ENG Version: Installation MapPlugin Only ==================================== 1) Unzip in rFactor post porto brief Folder 2) Edit MapPlugin.ini text file as follows: [GENERAL] OriginalD3D9Dll=DEFAULT #OriginalD3D9Dll=d3d9_xd.dll #OriginalD3D9Dll=d3d9_tvstyle.dll 3) Save file and exit Start Game and Enjoy! Installation MapPlugin + XD ==================================== 1) Unzip in rFactor Folder 2) Edit MapPlugin.ini text file as follows: [GENERAL] OriginalD3D9Dll=d3d9_xd.dll #OriginalD3D9Dll=DEFAULT #OriginalD3D9Dll=d3d9_tvstyle.dll 3) Save file and exit Start Game and Enjoy! Installation MapPlugin + TVStyle ==================================== 1) Install post porto brief TVStyle 2) Rename d3d9.dll post porto brief (installed post porto brief by TVStyle) in rFactor d3d9_tvstyle.dll 3) Unzip in rFactor Folder 4) Edit MapPlugin.ini text file as follows: [GENERAL] OriginalD3D9Dll=d3d9_tvstyle.dll #OriginalD3D9Dll=DEFAULT #OriginalD3D9Dll=d3d9_xd.dll 5) Save file and exit Start Game and Enjoy! Configuration ==================== Modify the text file rFactor/Plugins/Map/mapconf.txt to change A lots of Plugin Parameters. KEYS ======= : Enable/disable XD Plugin. Key configurable in XD.ini Numpad_0 : To change Map Mode: OFF, FIX, MOBILE and ROTATION CTRL + NUMPAD_0 : To change from IMAGES post porto brief mode to DOTS and viceversa NUMPAD_. : To Zoom In MAP CTRL + NUMPAD_. : To Zoom Out MAP ALT + NUMPAD_0 : To Loop between different tracks with the same name like "Vallelunga" ALT + : To move Map On Screen ALT + NUMPAD_. : To Show/Unshow Frame (Box) around Map PAUSE : Show names SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW : Increase Width SHIFT + LEFT ARROW : Decrease Width SHIFT + UP ARROW : Increase post porto brief Height post porto brief SHIFT + DOWN ARROW : Decrease Height CTRL + 1 : Increase Fonts Size ALT + PAUSA : Change Sector Color. From Unique to different. Inside Monitor in Pit. SHIFT + PAUSE : Reset Map Position. In Track (Race, Practise, Qualifying ...) MAIUSC + PAUSA : Shows Extra Race Info as Fuel, Position, Laps - If MAP in FIX Mode, NUMPAD_. key increase 'Window' Map size CTRL + NUMPAD_. key decrease 'Window' Map size - If MAP in MOBILE or ROTATION, post porto brief NUMPAD_. key, increase Map Size CTRL + NUMPAD_. key decrease Map Size You can change these keys from mapconf.txt file Uninstall Instructions ====================== Delete d3d9.dll and MapPlugin.ini from the root rFactor Folder. Delete MapPlugin.dll from PLugins directory Remove Map Directory from Plugins directory If installed with TVStyle Rename d3d9_tvstyle.dll as d3d9.dll If installed with XD Rename d3d9_xd as d3d9.dll IMPORTANT TO SOLVE COMMON ERRORS ================================ A) Many people that have experienced crash or bugs have resolved it after having installed ".NET Framework 3.5" I don't Know Why, I don't use it in Plugin, post porto brief but seems Plugin needs .NET Framework 3.5. If people Experience Bugs or Crash, please download and install post porto brief ".NET Framework 3.5" from Microsoft site. B) who has D3DDX9_40.DLL error ERROR, has NOT the latest DirectX installed. Please download it from Microsoft, see Above Requirements. C) Who has FMODEX.DLL error, please post porto brief copy fmodex.dll from rFactor/Plugins Folder and copy it in rFactor root Folder. fmodex.dll is installed by Spotter Plugin. D) About TVStyle integration, Please follow installation instructions Step by Step Release notes Version 1.06 =============================== 1) XD 2.1.4 Motec Integrated - Plugin developed

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