Wednesday, June 3, 2015

It is therefore in place to do the update for price comparisons and look at what level r

Price comparison: bechuanaland the postage and mailing services 2011 | bechuanaland blog
In March 2011, Itella postal companies raised fees and such. speeded up the second-class letter delivery times. Changes in the cost at this time are already visible in all the mailing services. Also Journal was changed, as well as the postage classes bechuanaland that pricing and service range was introduced bechuanaland at the same time the opportunity to send letters to the second post.
It is therefore in place to do the update for price comparisons and look at what level represented mailing costs compared to competing services. In this price comparison, it is treated as an alternative concept only Itella iPosts PDF service mainly because it is one of the oldest in the field service currently the market leader. bechuanaland
Comparison: Considering the direct mail costs, and other costs for shipping service Itella iPosts PDF service start-up fees 675 0 service bearer bechuanaland (FTP) opening fee 135 0 Other charges several payment categories no other fee categories Filing Services 0.03 / newsletter 0 / Letter bechuanaland Service Cost . per letter (pcs / month) includes printing, enveloping and distribution 1st Class 1 - 499 1.050 0.890 0.981 0.890 500-999 999-1999 2000-2999 0.915 0.890 0.884 0.890 0.820 0.890 3000-3999 bechuanaland 0.790 4000-4999 0.890 5000-5999 0.764 0.890
Also, second-class letters, which offer both of these services, would seem to be a clear difference in favor of service at least the lower of a few thousand a letter to kuukausivolyymeillä. bechuanaland If the letter costs are taken into account, etc. The importance of the various types of interface bechuanaland cost, logos lähetyskutannusten additional costs, starts to direct costs of services to be the same price level until more than 4000-6000 letter kuukausivolyymeillä In principle, both of these services, as well as Itella iPosts PDF that operate bechuanaland in the same way. Both are electronic service bechuanaland channels, which administer on behalf of the sender's letter material printing, enveloping and mailing. Both services will also be able to deposit and letters sent to archive. However, technically speaking services operate on a completely different bechuanaland principle.
Itella iPosts PDF is a service letter to the material delivered to the FTP interface over to Itella. The material can be delivered in PDF format but must be accompanied bechuanaland by a separate XML file, which must contain vastaaottajien address. iPosts PDF commissioning service always takes some time, as it requires both the sending ohjelmistokoodaamista system from the also separately agreed contractual practices between bechuanaland Itella and its customers. Itella iPosts PDF service also includes separate start-up and monthly fees in addition to the service will also be paid for every sent the letter.ä technical implementation is based on the fact that the customers in the service will be available in PDF-file format of the records go directly in printing, bechuanaland enveloping and distribution of air that should be coded according bechuanaland to the address an XML file. service will be able to tell from the letter addresses the distribution area without bechuanaland being involved in should bechuanaland be a separate XML file in this telling. The service bechuanaland does not startup or monthly fees. Archiving also posted the letters is free. In addition, asiakaat get free access to the ability to deliver data either an FTP data transfer, via an API or web printing service.
Both services also has additional features that are not competing service. Through Itella iPost additional charges may also be sent by colored letters and envelopes bechuanaland may be additional fees required customer-specific customization. bechuanaland Facilities for Disabled, respectively, while the same service is the ability to send mass emails to so-called. set of letters. bechuanaland Another essential difference has been made of the fact that the service can send paper invoices in addition to the electrical network invoices.
This price comparison and study the source data comes from above. Services Internet Service website and can in some respects different to what service bechuanaland providers offer specific contracts to certain groups of customers. Price comparisons bechuanaland made in March 25.3.2011 according to price lists. is mailing services online. It prints, envelopes and mailed to all the up to A4 format kirjepostituksesi up to 12 aside / clutch. It lets you send paper invoices, salary slips, invitations, newsletters and mass mailings - absolutely everything. bechuanaland In addition, through you can send and receive domestic B2B e-invoices. Start using immediately, sign up for one here!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

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Postage will change as of 09/02/2015 kuvert | Bargain Corner
Mail to change once again the most common postal rates, kuvert which also apply to us, small entrepreneurs. In some weight categories kuvert of payment will increase by up to 10%. This irremediably affect our levied by the shipping expenses. Postal charges are VAT exempt, and firms are maksutettava shipping rates currently valid VAT (if a register), and when this is added to consumer prices, the rise of the consumer can be more than 10%. Your postage will change as follows: BEFORE: 2 --- >> kuvert --- >> 2.50 3.50 --- AFTER >> (price includes shipping materials, as well as 24% VAT): 2.50 3.00 3.65 (price includes shipping materials, as well as 24% VAT) Maxi Letters: With high probability Maxi will leave toimitustavoistamme. His replacement offer Post an automated parcel terminal for which prices start at 6.90 upwards (includes shipping materials, as well as 24% VAT).
These delivery costs for sales, orders made through kuvert e-mail, as well as orders came via the Facebook site. You can read the contents of the following link prices and conditions Post:
ARTICLES AND NEWS Mobile Accessories Help Offers News Latest Articles Discount Rates for Apple products Postage will change as of 09/02/2015 06/13/2014 change in distance selling NOTE: This screen kuvert protector Putting the phone (video) e-mails problem Sponsor
Powered by WordPress and WordPress Templates, thanks to Live Jasmin

Monday, June 1, 2015

The only thing, where Mail has tried to help online we hold these truths stores, it is a proxy of t

Locomotive Catalog exports the largest brake E-commerce in Finland is the Tsarist period stonewalled Post / Itella Posti continue online merchants punishment - postal charges, rising for the third time in 1.5 years! Marketing of the top 10 trends we hold these truths for 2015 sells CD-R discs genuine CDs! Affiliate marketing advertiser's point of view: an affordable way to market whether or big scam? Illegal email advertising is fast becoming commonplace Media tavoittavuusluvut - the advertiser's point of view journalism decadence of the advertiser's fault?
Finnish online retailers differ from the example. Swedes, Norwegians and Danes online stores most clearly we hold these truths in the fact that the Finns sell only domestically, while others sell them globally. I discussed this with a number of online merchants, and usually things are explained logistics costs. we hold these truths Transport, distribution, delivery abroad is from Finland very difficult to organize - should be the logistics center, at least in Central Europe, because in Finland, we hold these truths keeping inventory and dispatch of goods abroad from here, with the approval, saying we hold these truths the approximate penalty payments we hold these truths priced.
Itella, costly fermentation in brand reform post-modern and constantly updated Finland we hold these truths Kusti has for years been the Finland international e-commerce worst brake, and it is still ruder, no matter how marketing has taken in recent times, "e-commerce guy" we hold these truths attitude. Apparently, we hold these truths someone external consultant and the advertising agency a friendly tip.
The only thing, where Mail has tried to help online we hold these truths stores, it is a proxy of the goods at home, that is, The Post has attempted to kick a large staff to more efficiently out and replace them pack vending machines, where the domestic we hold these truths online retailer we hold these truths can control the product the customer himself for downloading - the same time as the Japanese online retailer we hold these truths offering of EUR 10-15 service, which brings the sent e-purchase Finnish online buyers to your door ... Post decreases - prices we hold these truths up - the third Roima price increase during the 1.5 years!
Postage rise again 9.2. 2015. Previous energet- price increases were implemented a year ago, in January and prior to 3.6. 2013. The February price increase is therefore already the third a rich one and a half years. If you bring the first of the three price increase in June 2013 was only 6-7%, the next was already Roima 17.6% price increase in the most favorable letter from the payment, and the latest increase we hold these truths again to 10%. One and a half during the year, for example, advantageous Letter payment has risen 80 cents to 1.10, in which case the increase is 37.5% - at the same time as the general price level has not risen very little, or even in many product groups declined ...
At each price increase Itella / Finland Post has announced the same wailing song, how letterhead traffic all the time decreases, the leaves Posting reduced, and costs should be collected in this increasingly are shrinking customer base. Well, it siitäkös paper mail growth accelerates, while prices increased by 37%! Finnish press to know.
One, which certainly has not diminished, is a network of trading. Stupid would imagine that the ferocious growth of e-commerce would help Postiakin better business, but Itella's management we hold these truths has made every effort to torpedoidakseen international trade network of the Finnish merchant. Let's do a little price comparison by concrete we hold these truths figures.
Amazon Marketplace UK allows, for example, 1.82 pound ( 2.43 day course) postage intra-EU for posting, that is, from one EU country to another, one sending the CD-ROM (approx 110-130 we hold these truths grams.). Similarly, for example, now allows 5.00 US dollars, the maximum tariff of about EUR 4.45 one CD posting the USA. The outside of the American consumer.
How much will a single CD-ROM Posting to pay the Finnish network to the merchant? Post a new price list 101-250 gr letter within the EU will cost EUR 3.70, and non-EU countries of EUR 9.00. The price difference between the Amazon to allow the maximum price of EUR 2.43 has already been 52% more - and EUR 9.00 delivery fee a little letter to the US is more than double of what allows the maximum charge a client! Dealer therefore tinkiköön its margin on their own, if you dare to sell outside the EU! Swedish we hold these truths paying almost half less
Well, but is it the Finland Post / Itella we hold these truths eventually more expensive than other European post offices? Again, a little comparison. The same is 101-250 grams broadcast in the USA will pay EUR 5.79 a Swedish local e-mail to the user, the Norwegian and Danish EUR 6.07 to EUR 7.39 - the Finnish thus pay EUR 9.00. What about the larger EU countries? we hold these truths The German would cost the same letter to the USA EUR 3.45, ie Finnish to pay more than 2.6 times the same price! Finland mail EUR 9.00 was therefore in his class in European comparison. Finnish online merchants Appeal of the high cost of postage is fully justified.
Network among merchants has spread postage paid