A few days ago I had to work with the Javascript Date object to show a date obtained from a REST service, usps store the service returned a date and timestamp to filter by date ranges used Timestamp. Keep reading to see some experiments with the dates and thanks to Javascript Date class. Well then to perform the filtering for a quick and easy way I decided to experiment a little with Javascript, here is my experiment, which will help determine if they need an easy way dates <html> <head> <<DOCTYPE html> title> Timestamp and date in javascript usps store </ title> <script type="text/javascript"> var firstDate = new Date ('02 / 20/2013 ') getTime (). PreviousDate var = new Date ('02 / 05 / 2013 ') getTime. () console.log (' Timestamp Date 02/20/2013 '+ new Date ('02 / 20/2013') getTime ()). console.log ('15 days before that: '+ new Date ('02 / 05/2013') getTime usps store ()) console.log ('month January =' + (new Date ('01 / 20/2013 ') getMonth ().)). console.log ('Month February =' + (new Date ('02 / 20/2013 ') getMonth ()).) console.log (' Month March = '+ (new Date ('03 / 20/2013' usps store ..) getMonth ())); console.log ('Month December =' + (new Date ('12 / 20/2013 ') getMonth ())); firstDate var remainder = - PreviousDate; console.log ('15 days in timestamp = '+ (subtraction)) console.log ('1 month timestamp =' + (subtraction * 2)) console.log ('3 months timestamp = '+ (subtraction * 2) * 3) , console.log ('date should be March 1' + new Date (new Date ('02 / 14/2013 ') getTime () + subtraction).) console.log (' date should be March 31 '+ new Date (new Date ('03 / 01/2013 ')) getTime () + (remainder * 2).) console.log (' date should be May 30 '+ new Date (new Date ('03 / 01 / 2013 ') getTime () + ((subtraction * 2) * 3)));. </ script> </ head> <body> </ body> </ html> Obviously usps store they will need to check the console to see the result of the console.log. usps store
Cocos2d-HTML5 and Netbeans 7.3 Tutorial 1 Creating Templates for HTML5 projects in Netbeans 7.3 and Twitter Bootstrap AngularJS: UI Bootstrap Creating multiplatform projects Cocos2D-X for Android in Windows 7 Simple Example Geolocation with HTML5
2013 (26) January (1) August (5) July (3) April (1) March (3) Creating Templates for HTML5 projects in Netbe ... Javascript: Date and Timestamp Cocos2d-and HTML5 Netbeans 7.3 Tutorial 1 February (12) December (1) 2012 (11) December (3) February (2) July (1) January (5)
Crimson R Games 2013